IPR Research is not responsible for misuse of its products. IPR Research will not be liable for any claims, damages, injuries, or expenses resulting from or relating to the use or installation of this product while testing your vehicle. IPR Research will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental damages or fines caused by the use or installation of this product. User assumes sole responsibility for the safe, proper, and legal use of the vehicle at all times.
The IPR GEN3 EGR Test Back Flush Kit is a great diagnostic tool to isolate and test the EGR system and head gasket failures. All modern diesel engine that utilize a EGR cooler requires coolant to cool the exhaust gas. When an EGR cooler or components fails it could simulate a blown head gasket and may be impossible to determine whether a head gasket has failed. Using this tool allows the techinician to pressure test the cooling system by pressurizing the outlet ports on the manifold to rule out a failed EGR cooler and back flush the oil cooler of contaminates. The contaminates that plug up the oil cooler is the main cause of EGR cooler failures. The contaminates can be filtered out with the use of the IPR high flow coolant filter. For emissions compliant vehicles we recommend this product for testing and diagnostics only and should never be used or operated on a public highway.